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Softcover, 170 x 240 mm
316 pages
Text by Zoë Gray
Lyrics by Harold Ancart, Sarah Ancelle Schönfeld, Julieta Aranda, Magalì Arriola, Fabienne Audéoud, Olivier Babin, Sarina K. Basta, Devrim Bayar, Bérénice Béguerie, Joël Benzakin, Sebastian Black, Ina Blom, Rémi Boinot, Gyonata Bonvicini, Charlotte vander Borght, Thomas Boutoux, Rébecca Brunet, Wesley Bryon, Federica Bueti & Jan Verwoert, Adam Carr, Luca Cerizza, Valérie Chartrain, Thomas Clerc, Vaast Colson, François Curlet, Natalie Czech, Tacita Dean, Chloé Delaume, Victor Delestre, Mimosa Delwood, Denicolai & Provoost, Corinne Diserens, Florence Doléac, Olivia Dunbar, Övül Durmuşoğlu, Sammy Engramer, David Evrard, Jean-Pascal Flavien, Ryan Gander, Mario Garcia Torres, Michel Gauthier, Jeong Geumhyung, Maia Gianakos, Arthur Gillet, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Agnès de Graaff, Lilas Guevara, Claire Guezengar, Mathew Hale, Jörg Heiser, Gregor Hildebrandt, Eva Huttenlauch, JEANNA, Sojung Jun, Genc Kadriu, Kuba Kasprzak & Hedi Tabka, Hicham Khalidi, Th. Kochka, Nile Koetting, Gabriel Kuri, Brandon LaBelle, Judicaël Lavrador, Maria Loboda, Gabriel Loebell-Herberstein, André Magnin, Benoît Maire, Jean-Charles Massera, Maxime Matray, Clara Meister, Caroline Mesquita, Jonathan Monk, Tom Morton, Jean-Luc Nivaggioni, Nana Oforiatta-Ayim, Juan d’Oultremont, Laetitia Paviani, Julien Perez, Mick Peter, Émilie Pitoiset, Vale Poher, Sinziana Ravini, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Michael Riedel, Providence Roche, Benjamin Rondeau, Willem de Rooij, Bernhard Rüdiger, Kilian Rüthemann, Tim Ryckaert, Vanessa Safavi, Anri Sala, David Sanson, Yorgos Sapountzis, Andreas Schlaegel, Hank Schmidt in der Beek, Louis-Philippe Scoufaras, Alya Sebti, Jerszy Seymour, Raimar Stange, Franz von Stauffenberg, Anne Stenne, Michael Stevenson, Song Lyrics Generator, Athena Vida, Daniel Völzke, Agnes Wegner
Co-published with WIELS
Edition of 1000
SALE –50%
€12,00 EUR + shipping
Paroles brings together all the textual collaborations generated by Saâdane Afif since 2004. In a formal way the artist invited each author, commissioned each contribution and gave the source of each composition, his works being the starting point of all the texts presented here. The book lists the 191 songs in 21 sections, in their original language. The keystone of the exhibition Paroles at WIELS, in which it has the status of a work of art, this printed object is the tool that animates the wheels of the project. Through its volume, segmentation and substance it exists as a book of poetry and reveals hitself in a duality between poetry and song.